I'm a consultant and advisor for social enterprises - using business to change the world.
You can sign up for my newsletter, or contact me via isaac@isaacjeffries.com
Hi, my name is Isaac.
I work with entrepreneurs around the world, helping them design strong business models and helping them become financially sustainable.
To date, I’ve worked with over 465 businesses in nine countries.
Most of these are social enterprises - businesses that are committed to making a positive change as well as making money.
I run four accelerator programs and two university subjects, as well as a series of freelance projects.
That probably sounds vague, but the details are really interesting…
The Difference Incubator
Senior Consultant + Accelerator Lead
I work with passionate social entrepreneurs across Australia and the South Pacific, helping them to grow their business and their impact. We focus on creating strong business models, compelling value propositions, fast prototypes, clever tests, profitable financials, healthy team cultures and measurable social outcomes.
More importantly, we help people navigate tough decisions and uncertainty, reshaping their business and their mindset.
Here are some recent examples:
Guria: A growth accelerator program for established businesses, our aim is to double sales and double profits within 12 months, without doubling your workload.
Accelerate With IBA: In partnership with Indigenous Business Australia, we work with First Nations business owners to strengthen and grow their companies, building wealth, resilience and their social impact.
YuMi Tourism Partners: An accelerator for entrepreneurs across the South Pacific who want to form new partnerships and develop new product offerings.
Consulting: I’m often brought in to help not for profit organisations and institutions as they design and test new business ideas; from concept through to pilot.
Coaching: I walk the journey alongside business owners as they continue their implementation, often for several years, as their companies evolve and respond to changes in the marketplace.
Business For Development
Project Manager
I work across a range of projects in places like Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Myanmar and India. Each project runs for 18-36 months as we design, pilot and establish new businesses, with the mission of lifting hundreds of smallholder farming families out of extreme poverty.
Here are some examples:
Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea – establishing a coffee growing program that trains new and existing coffee farmers, helping them boost their yields and secure better prices for their harvests.
Halmahera, Indonesia – redesigning a cassava processing factory to boost their capacity and revenue streams, as well as exploring new industries and business models for local farmers to supply.
Bihar, India – partnering with local agribusinesses and the Australian Government to run pilots and trials of new farming models, giving smallholders access to mechanisation, higher quality inputs and 50% higher incomes.
Myanmar – identifying opportunities for value chain improvements in the pulse industry, although this work has been affected by COVID-19.
Deakin University + SPARK
Lead Facilitator
I am the lead facilitator for SPARK Startup Ideation, a program for students wanting to learn how to generate, test, develop and pitch new business ideas. Many students end up running a version of their startups after the program has concluded, and we receive consistently high feedback scores each semester.
I am also a facilitator and coach for the SPARK Accelerator, a six-month program for startups who are looking for rapid growth and guidance. Teams receive funding, cloud credits, access to a co-working space and support from mentors, with many of the ventures going on to raise further investment after the program.
Finally, I am a lecturer for Deakin’s Social Enterprise unit, where students design and pitch social enterprise models for a cause they care about.
Isaac Jeffries Consulting
I do a lot of freelance work for businesses around the world, as a coach, facilitator or writer.
In particular, I get a lot of requests for:
· Strategy days
· Business model workshops
· Design thinking workshops
· Hackathons
· Writing business plans
· Team training
· Financial modelling
· Ongoing coaching
These are some of my favourite clients, I love meeting passionate entrepreneurs and working on such interesting projects.
If you’d like to work with me, please fill in this form or send an email to isaac@isaacjeffries.com