Isaac Jeffries

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The 5 E's Part Three - Enter Examples

(Thanks for reading, I’ve recently rewritten a better version of this article here)

This is part of a series on the 5 E’s of Customer Journey. Here are some examples to get you thinking about the Enter stage...

Parking is a huge issue for physical retailers.
Doncaster shopping centre in Melbourne is rumoured to have underestimated the amount of car parks needed by a massive 2,000 spaces.
As such, customers need to be willing to hunt for a spot, a barrier to entry that certainly puts people off.
Why make it difficult for shoppers to spend their money with you?

Smell is a powerful sense, which Darrell Lea used to use to their advantage.
Their stores put a little bit of licorice oil in the air conditioners at the entrance, which then boosts the odds of a customer buying a bag of their famous licorice.
This certainly worked on me.

The Apple store ensures that you are personally greeted the moment you step inside, where one of their team (in a bright t-shirt) will direct you to the relevant area.

JB Hifi on the other hand, has stock everywhere, with discounted highlighted by handwritten plastic banners.
Keep in mind, JB is a huge, profitable, successful chain. 
They do not need the fluorescent lights or warehouse style layout for cost purposes.
That’s all in place to create an atmosphere: “This place is cheap, I am getting a bargain”.

Good cafes will ensure a team member seats you and brings you over some water and a menu. Bad cafes make it awkward for you to work out where to sit and how you’re supposed to order. This is an element you don’t notice until it’s not there.

The Age website allows new readers to click on 30 free articles, to try out their service before making a purchase decision.
By contrast, The Herald Sun has a different paywall, where some types of articles are reserved exclusively for subscribers.

Visual signage at the front door plays a huge role in setting the tone.
Think about the message that is sent by signs like “No cash kept on premises” or “We reserve the right to inspect bags” or handwritten signs on creased A4 paper?
Why would you never see these in high-end stores?

What about the amount of objects in the window?
Studies have shown a direct link between the minimalism of shop windows, and the perceived value of the products sold within.

Temperature plays a role in decision making – in late winter/early spring, some indoor shopping centres will raise the heating to nudge customers towards the new summer stock.
It makes sense, who would think about buying bathers when they’re feeling cold?

Music can make or break the vibe of a room.
Have you ever been in a clothing store when the music cuts out?
It’s a weird feeling, the place instantly feels soulless.
An obnoxious song will turn people away, as will music that is too loud.
Some bars use slower paced music to create a laidback atmosphere for conversation, whereas packed restaurants use faster, louder songs, which make people eat quicker.
When you’re choosing a restaurant on a main street, music will heavily sway your decision making.

Look at the different approaches fashion retailers use for visual merchandising.
The same blue jumper will have a completely different perceived value depending on if it is

a) folded on a table
b) worn on a mannequin
c) worn by a staff member
d) Hung on a sparse rack
e) Hung on an overly full rack
f) Scrunched in a pile with a bunch of other clothes

In all of those scenarios, the fabric and craftsmanship does not change.
The anticipated price however, changes drastically and subconsciously.


Now that you've got your customer in the door, our next post will look at how we Engage them... 

You can skip straight to Entice, Enter, Engage, Exit, Extend and Making Improvements